April 14, 2009

To the one and to all of them

Cause I know my heart is huge...
Cause I am constantly falling in and out of love...
Cause I love to fall in love with love...

For those to whom I gave my heart...
For the one I'm giving my heart to today...
For all the ones I will forever love...

This poem is to the one and all of them...

Sombras (original)
-English version follows-

Sombras somos. Solo sombras.
Agua de mar, salada como tu corazón analítico.
Te pienso, te olvido.
Mi corazón se oscurece cuando solo quiero poseerte.
Sombras en la pared.
Me agota el pensamiento,
me desnutre tu ausencia.
Decime que sí,
que me querés.
Dejame entender lo egoísta que soy cada vez que te pienso.
Dejame descubrirte mientras encuentro refugio entre tus brazos.
Acaso no me sentís temblar?
Acaso no me escuchas pensarte con los ojos cerrados?
Necesito tu contacto.
Tengo hambre de tu piel.
Quiero un poco de tu amplia boca,
porque de tus labios tengo sed.
Dejame endulzarte el corazón.
Dejá que mi luz refleje tu sonrisa en mi sangre.
Quiero fluir con vos,
quiero perderme en tu cuerpo mientras nos hacemos el amor.
Quiero amarte, sentirte, tocarte, mimarte.
Quiero olvidarte y recordarte mil veces.
Quiero que tus besos se sequen en mis mejillas,
húmedas de llorarte.
Tanto te quiero,
tanto te deseo,
que me ahogo en mis sombras...
Como hago para sentirte sin sofocarte?
Como logro que nuestro amor sea siempre un milagro?
Tu alma que me llena y me desviste,
a veces me hace sombra.
Quiero darte placer,
Quiero amarte como nadie y como todas a la misma vez.
Dejame ser tu piel,
aunque sea solo por un instante.
Si tan solo pudiera fundirme en vos,
prometo dejarte ir cuando lo sea necesario...

Shadows (English version)

Shadows, that is what we are. Only shadows.
Sea water,
salty like your analytical heart.
I think of you, I let you go.
My heart becomes dark when all I want is to posses you.
Shadows on the wall.
To think makes me tired.
Your abscence, denourishes me.
Say yes,
say that you love me.
Allow me to understand how selfish I get each time I think of you.
Allow me to discover you while I find shelter amongst your arms.
Don't you feel me trembling?
Don't you hear me thinking of you when you close your eyes?
I need your touch.
I am hungry for your skin.
I want some of your plentifull mouth,
because I'm thirsty for your lips.
Let me make your heart sweeter.
Let my light reflect your smile upon my blood.
I want to flow with you,
I want to get lost in your body while we make love to each other.
I want to love you, feel you, touch you and caress you.
I want to forget about you and remember you a thousand times.
I want your kisses to dry up on my cheeks,
wet from crying for you.
This much I want you,
So much I desire you,
that I loose myself in my own shadows...
How can I feel you without soffocating you?
How do I make our love to be forever a miracle?
Your soul completes me while it uncovers my own,
sometimes your soul becomes my shadow.
I want to pleasure you,
I want to love you like no one else.
I want to love you like all of them at the same time.
Let me...
Let me be your skin,
if only for an instant.
If only I could melt in you,
I promise to let you go when necessary...

1 comment:

  1. Cuanta pasion hay en tu alma y en tu cuerpo!!!
    Maravilla sentirse trasladada por tus bellas palabras
